There are many instances when dates and times don’t show up at your doorstep in the format you’d like it to be, nor does the output of a query fit the needs of the people viewing it. One option is to format the data in the application itself. Another option is to use the built-in functions SQL Server provides to format the date string for you.
SQL Server provides a number of options you can use to format a date/time string. One of the first considerations is the actual date/time needed. The most common is the current date/time using getdate(). This provides the current date and time according to the server providing the date and time. If a universal date/time is needed, then getutcdate() should be used. To change the format of the date, you convert the requested date to a string and specify the format number corresponding to the format needed.
How to get different SQL Server date formats
Use the date format option along with CONVERT function
To get YYYY-MM-DD use SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 23)
To get MM/DD/YYYY use SELECT CONVERT(varchar, getdate(), 1)
Check out the chart to get a list of all format options
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